Hold on, let go
Commissioned by TOES FOR DANCE for its 2021 Common Ground Dance Festival, a City of Toronto Cultural Hotspot Signature Project, with additional support from the Toronto Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Foundation’s Arts In The Parks program.

Premiered in October 2021
Lee Lifeson Art Park, in North York
Choreographic Score/Musical Score: Bri Clarke
Other Artists Involved
Lighting: Gabriel Cropley
Outside Eye: Tavia Christina
Cast of performers: Jaimee Leggett, Katie Adams-Gossage, Sydney-Grace James, Julianna Heft, Kayla Champis, Ben King, Fannie-Rose Bernard, Ellen Moore, Frédérique Perron, Jayna Shi, Nidhi Baadkar and Leah Wilton.

This 5-minute piece explores moments of unified choreography, complemented with an improvisational score. The theme is rooted in the quote 'Hold on tightly, let go lightly', which provided me with peace after the death of my uncle.
CGDF is a City of Toronto Cultural Hotspot (@culture_to) Signature Project and Arts in the Parks (@artsintheparksto) event, produced with the support of the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council (@torontoartscouncil)
Photos by Aidan Tooth (@aidan.tooth)